Pinhole Project Update


This may be controversial but I’m trying to find ways to continue the pinhole project and I realize I need to start charging for prints. From here on out if you want a print it will be $10 to help off set the cost of production. I am having low vision problems and I have to hire an assistant to make the prints.

Also, I will be out of town until April 25th, so if you have cameras to send back, hold on to them for the next two weeks. I’m going to New York because I have 4 photos (that I took many years ago before I got into pinhole photography!) up April 15th - May 28th in Focus on the Flatfiles: Views from Red Hook Curated by Maureen McNeil in connection with her solo exhibition, Light + Material at Kentler in Red Hook, Brooklyn. I will be at the reception Sat April 15th from 4-6pm, if you live in NYC hope to see you there!